Baseball on Trial: The Origin of Baseball's Antitrust Exemption
by Nathaniel Grow
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Results Baseball on Trial: The Origin of Baseball's Antitrust Exemption
UI Press Nathaniel Grow Baseball on Trial The Origin ~ Baseball on Trial The first comprehensive account of the 1922 Supreme Court decision that gave rise to professional baseball’s antitrust exemption The controversial 1922 Federal Baseball Supreme Court ruling held that the business of base ball was not subject to the Sherman Antitrust Act because it did not constitute interstate commerce
Baseball on Trial The Origin of Baseballs Antitrust ~ In Baseball on Trial legal scholar Nathaniel Grow defies conventional wisdom to explain why the unanimous Supreme Court opinion authored by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes which gave rise to Major League Baseballs exemption from antitrust law was correct given the circumstances of the time
Baseball on trial the origin of baseballs antitrust ~ Baseball on trial the origin of baseballs antitrust exemption Nathaniel Grow The 1922 Federal Baseball Supreme Court ruling held that the business of base ball was not subject to the Sherman Antitrust Act because it did not constitute interstate commerce
Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption A Primer FanGraphs Baseball ~ He is the author of Baseball on Trial The Origin of Baseballs Antitrust Exemption as well as a number of sportsrelated law review articles You can follow him on Twitter NathanielGrow The views expressed are solely those of the author and do not express the views or opinions of Indiana University
Baseball on Trial The Origin of Baseball’s Antitrust ~ Baseball on Trial The Origin of Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption by Nathaniel Grow review Jim Overmyer NINE A Journal of Baseball History and Culture Volume 23 Number 1 Fall The Origin of Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption Urbana University of Illinois Press 2014 282 pp Paper 3500
Project MUSE Baseball on Trial The Origin of Baseball’s ~ In 1922 in Federal Baseball 259 US 200 1922 the Supreme Court of the United States granted baseball an exemption from the Sherman Antitrust Act 1890 It is a decision which the Supreme Court has upheld in various other baseball and sporting cases Nathaniel Grow observes that baseball “is not only the sole professional sports
Alito The Origin of the Baseball Antitrust Exemption ~ Alito The Origin of the Baseball Antitrust Exemption It was published originally in the Journal of Supreme Court History 34 no 2 July 2009 183–95 The Justice expresses his gratitude to James Hunter one of his law clerks for the October 2007 term and Linda Corbelli one of the Court’s librarians for their invaluable assistance
Why does baseball have an antitrust exemption ~ The controversial antitrust exemption dates to the early years of organized ball In January 1903 the American and National Leagues united to form Major League Baseball
Before the Flood The History of Baseballs Antitrust ~ The historical wellspring of baseballs antitrust exemption was a typi cal business war among entrepreneurs in the wake of the dismantling of the Federal League of Baseball after two seasons of play in 1914 and 1915
The Baseball Trust A History Of Baseballs Antitrust ~ This is the best singlevolume history of baseballs antitrust exemption Prof the book provides a lucid and informative history of the application of federal and state antitrust law to professional sports and describes the diosyncratic basis for the exemption of baseball from the Sherman AntiTrust Act In demonstratig the legal history

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